
This blog is to introduce you to my town - Peebles, in the Scottish Borders - just one photo at a time, with perhaps a little description and maybe some history thrown in. I hope you will find it interesting. The title comes from a historical comment made by someone who preferred Peebles to the great and famous cities. I know how they felt. It's always a pleasure to return here however long you've been away.

If you want to make a comment, ask me a question, or merely just want to say "hello, I've dropped in", you can do that by using the comment section below each entry. (Just click on the word COMMENT and follow instructions. ) I'd love to know what you think of what you see of my town.

I don't have an expensive elaborate camera so the photo quality may not be brilliant, but I'd like to think my pics will please you. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks to Mary H for the lovely designs I used for my background, and thanks too to all of you who have chosen to support my blog by becoming "followers".

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Red Lion House

This is Red Lion House, which I understand used to be a pub, and indeed it is a popular name for one, there being plenty of Red Lion pubs around the country. When you click on the pic and get the enlarged version, you will see that there is a stone lion above the front door. There are also recumbant stone lions at the side entrance, hidden from view by the tree and the greenery behind it. I don't think a pub has existed there in living memory, and today it is a residential property. It was also called Crichton Cottage at some stage apparently.

It stands back a bit from the Cuddy Burn, and backs onto Biggiesknowe. The lady of the house has been known to take in orphaned ducklings from Cuddy, and hand rear them. Bramble and Scramble were two female mallard ducks that survived out of a clutch of 8 ducklings that she "adopted" a few years ago, and as far as I know, one of the two is still on the river somewhere even now.

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Thanks fot looking at my photos of Peebles. It is great to read your comments, so thanks for writing!