
This blog is to introduce you to my town - Peebles, in the Scottish Borders - just one photo at a time, with perhaps a little description and maybe some history thrown in. I hope you will find it interesting. The title comes from a historical comment made by someone who preferred Peebles to the great and famous cities. I know how they felt. It's always a pleasure to return here however long you've been away.

If you want to make a comment, ask me a question, or merely just want to say "hello, I've dropped in", you can do that by using the comment section below each entry. (Just click on the word COMMENT and follow instructions. ) I'd love to know what you think of what you see of my town.

I don't have an expensive elaborate camera so the photo quality may not be brilliant, but I'd like to think my pics will please you. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks to Mary H for the lovely designs I used for my background, and thanks too to all of you who have chosen to support my blog by becoming "followers".

Tuesday 13 January 2009

The old Courthouse

The old courthouse, standing next door to the Parish Church, is said to have been built in 1848, and indeed the elegant building seen today most likely was, but an even older building can be seen at the rear possibly dating back a further 200 years, as the old jail. (See the smaller picture)

Indeed this part of the building housed the cells which must have held many a miscreant in its long history. Use of the cells, and the prison yard behind, ceased in about 1878.

The more recent courthouse was created in the newer part of the building which was in use till 2001, when considerable dry rot was discovered that rendered the building unsafe. It was deemed to be too big a project for the council to handle and after several suggestions as to its continued use as a public building the decision was taken to sell it.

Today The Courthouse Bar and Restaurant occupies the whole of the first floor - the first floor above the front door - with smaller businesses renting premises on the other floors, while the new courthouse has been moved to the former County Buildings on the north side of the town.

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Thanks fot looking at my photos of Peebles. It is great to read your comments, so thanks for writing!